First, let’s look at what makes a good domain name host. A free domain is a great start — free for life or free for a year with a reasonable renewal rate. The typical domain hosting customer also looks for other freebies such as unlimited email hosting free domain
hosting and a website builder. Managing your domains and websites should be made simple as well, using a popular control panel like cPanel.
When we reviewed the best domain hosting hosting for agencies
companies, we expected providers to bring value (in the form of a free or cheap domain), ample resources (storage, domains, emails), and a hassle-free site-building and management experience. Our top-recommended domain host
checks all of the above boxes:The key to being an exemplary domain hosting provider is not just providing domain names but simplifying the registration and renewal process in general. These days, most shared hosts will offer a free domain to entice entry-level customers. Not every provider, however, carries a reputation as the largest domain name registrar — supporting 52 million domains at one point.
Yes, I’m talking about GoDaddy, a popular host with a flair for domain and email services. Get a complimentary domain registrar when you sign up for a year-long plan.So far I’ve alluded to one of the hottest marketing tactics in the shared hosting realm today: the complimentary domain name registration at signup. Typically costing $10 to $15 per year, domains are a highly sought-after signup bonus. Many hosts add to this value by offering free email accounts hosted at your free domain, or offering to transfer your existing domain to your new host’s services free of charge. Below we introduce our favorite hosting provider for those looking for domain perks: